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Inventory Planning Pros

The Blue Ridge Planning Pros customer reference program showcases our community of customers—world-class distributors, wholesalers and retailers across diverse industries whose innovation and success set them apart.

The program brings recognition to your organization for its vision and leadership as well as its strategic investment in supply chain technology to better serve your customers.

People With Stars

A Proactive Focus On Your Success

Join more than 100 companies that have become Blue Ridge Planning Pros. We will customize marketing materials to comply with your corporate communication’s guidelines and meet your specific company objectives. Take advantage of Blue Ridge’s Planning Pros program to network and heighten your profile with peers, share knowledge and best practices, and gain valuable insight into the future of supply chain planning.


Activity Pts
Site Visit 250
New Prospect Referral 200
Video Case Study 100
Conference Speaking Opportunity 100
Webinar 100
Reference Call 100
Survey Participation 50
Written Case Study 50
Press Release/Interview 50
Media Reference 50
Online Software Review 25
Quote 25
Reward Pts
Ticket to BLUEPRINT* 400
$250 Discount on Ticket to BLUEPRINT* 100
8 Hrs Professional Services 1000
Custom Training Session (1 Day)* 1750
Custom Training Session (3 Days)* 5000
*T&E not included

Planning Pros Program FAQs:

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to you – the program is available to you as a Blue Ridge customer.

When does it become active?

You are activated as soon as you have licensed products from Blue Ridge

Can we use the materials for internal marketing?

Yes! You can use any materials we create to help you gain attention for the value your demand planning teams bring to your organization.

What if my company has policies that prohibit us from talking about specific vendors?

Blue Ridge’s marketing team will work with you and your corporate communications team to create a program that works within your corporate guidelines.

What if I want to do something not on the list?

The program is flexible. We welcome any and all suggestions.

Inventory Planning Pros

Make a Point of Becoming an Inventory Planning Pro. To learn more about how you and your organization can take advantage of all that the Planning Pros program has to offer, contact us at 877.547.0346 for additional information.