ATLANTA (US) / NOORDWIJK (NL), May 11, 2021 – Humanfigure Consulting, a Dutch consulting company specialized in coordinating, adapting, integrating and quantifying business processes, and Blue Ridge, the breakthrough platform that combines demand shaping for supply chain planning (SCP) and pricing optimization, announced a strategic partnership to deliver best-of-breed planning and pricing solutions crafted to avoid the long, risk-heavy experience of a large IT project.
The Partnership enables distribution, retail and manufacturing companies to configure and quickly roll out the supply chain technology components they need to solve their immediate business needs, rather than wait 18-24 months to realize value on the vendor’s terms. Together with the knowledge and skills of Humanfigure Consulting, companies realize quick added savings, service improvements and resiliency in their supply chains.
“Together with our clients, we work on “Providing Excellent Service and Realising Unbelievable Customer Experiences!” to their customers. Using the Blue Ridge solutions, our clients are able to realise this,” said Humafigure Consulting’s managing consultant, Werner van Keulen.
“In today’s disruptive supply chain, businesses must rethink the way they buy software; they can no longer afford the painful journey of a traditional enterprise ERP or WMS implementation,” said Maarten Baltussen, general manager – Europe, Blue Ridge. “Businesses need a frictionless path to a purpose-built technology that allows them to respond at the breakneck pace of market conditions that virtually change with the wind.”
The joint planning and pricing solution re-imagines business agility to supply chain unknowns such as product availability, lead times, inflation costs, seasonality, ecommerce/multi-channel demand and fulfillment logistics, and competitor pricing. Blue Ridge’s demand shaping for Supply Chain Planning and Pricing Optimization solutions accelerate margin growth by uniquely tying advanced pricing analytics into demand signals and inventory data. Now companies can plug into a low-risk, rapid-value data science stack that strategically optimizes prices – in lock step with inventory data and demand signals – to shape demand across all products, locations, channels and customers.
Benefits of the Humanfigure Consulting and Blue Ridge partnership include:
- Accelerated value, typically within 90 days of go live
- Reduced risk with Blue Ridge’s LifeLine™ customer success program, which brings white-glove, 24/7 monitoring and proactive recommendations for ongoing customer success
- Secure, friction-free tech assembly – no vendor lock-in, 40+ ERP connectors, zero failed implementations
- Immediate improvements in service levels, sales revenues, operating costs and profitability – with up to 20 percent less inventory on hand
About Humanfigure Consulting
Humanfigure Consulting is a Dutch consulting company specialized in coordinating, adapting, integrating and quantifying (business) processes leading to people and organizations growing and gaining better results. Humanfigure Consulting works for retail organizations as well as for companies operating in the logistics and supply chain management sector. The expertise and background of Humanfigure Consulting is the most useful in start-ups, scale-ups and family businesses. Learn more at
About Blue Ridge
Achieving a resilient supply chain sits at the intersection of demand, price and inventory – where a company’s customers, suppliers and their operations meet. Blue Ridge’s cloud-native integrated planning and pricing platform gives Wholesale Distributors, Specialty Retailers and Discrete Manufacturers app simplicity that uniquely integrates data science-rich inventory forecasting capabilities with price optimization insights. From modeling, right-sizing inventory and seamless collaboration, Blue Ridge bases success off increases in customer profitability and service levels. Learn more at or request a demo at